Monday, July 14, 2008

Amazing Free Day

This is Adam who came to stay with us for a few days before going on his outreach to Brazil! We all became very good friends with him in only 4 days!! He fit in with our crew right away and was a big help and joy to us. We were able to go to his house today and go swimming. We had no idea how much of a treat it was going to be!! God blessed us so much today! His house was incredible and his parents were so hospitable and interesting to speak with. We swam, ate amazing food, went in the sauna, drank coffee and ate Krispy Kreme Donuts!! AND his dad's personal hair stylist, who cuts celebrities hair, came and he asked if anyone needed a hair cut! I didn't get one but two of the girls did and he was amazing! Then we went to eat MEXICAN food! The restaurant had a live band and it was these really good Indonesian guys singing in spanish! haha We got to salsa dance and everything! I thought I was back home for a while haha Ohh oh oh and when the waiter brought out our food he set the plate down and said here is your quesadi-la not quesadilla but just like Napoleon Dynamite with the "L" sound hahaha it was sooooo funny. I had just a really wonderful day and I could not have asked for more! God gave a me a word before we left Perth that we would be receive blessing but I had no idea this is what he meant! God is such a loving and extravagant father! Amen!!

P.S. it turns out that Natalie and I will get to hang with Adam again for six months while he does a school in Kona Hawaii and we are there for PhotogenX! Small world!!

1 comment:

Anne Hopkins said...

Looking good! I am glad to see that you are having some fun amidst all the intensity of ministry. Sounds like a lovely day. I am hanging out today with the boys (Sammie and Max) and we may go to the park later. I have lots of paper work to do and applications to fill out...ugh...I really don't like that kind of task, but it is necessary. I am planning on doing some research for fundraising for both you and Devyn. Prayers continue on and on...just because we say the word Amen, doesn't mean the conversation has to end....

Love you lots


P.S. Michael and I wrote our first song's called Hymm of Faith from Habakkuk 3.