Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Beginnings.....

So, Life isn't always as it seems........

As I have been telling you all....I was planning to do a school called PhotogenX. I came home from my trip for my supposed one week stay and held a fund raiser selling my photography. It went really well. The turn out was good, the photos all sold and it was great to see everyone. Unfortunately, the amount I needed did not come in. I was so thankful for what did come in, but I was confused because I really had clear words from God to do this trip. When I got home, I was talking with my girlfriends and my mom and we got a verse when we asked God why the money had not come in. In ezekiel 44 it said "then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east and it was shut. The Lord said to me "This gate is to remain shut." To me that just meant that although I had been faithful with what I had been told, plans have been changed. I am grateful to God because I know that He has my best interests in mind and athough the school wa something I really wanted to do, it's ok. I know that there are even greater plans for me.
Unsure of what to do next, I went to Seattle with my friend Natalie from my DTS and spent a couple days with her, clearing my head praying and getting new direction. I had said before that if the school didn't work out I would want to go back to Indonesia. So I prayed. I asked God for a word to go or to stay and I feel that I am being led to go back to work with the teams there for a few more months. Right now I a working on a 60 day Visa and I should know very soon when I will be able to get on a plane again. I am very excited to do more work with the people and I miss my friends there so it is a plus to be able to see them. I am thankful for all of the support I have been given by so many of you and I will keep the updates coming as I gear up for this next step. Please keep me in your prayers! You're in mine!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Beautiful Week of Miracles

Saying goodbye is not easy. But when God performs miracles for the people you have met and loved, it makes it more of a celebration!
At the beginning of this week God spoke to me and said that this week would be a battle unlike anything we have experienced. He said that we should be bold and not hold back in any way. We went into our times in the sulms on fire for seeing miracles and people saved. Let me just say, God has been faithful and He meant what He said.
This little boy in the picture above is someone we have been praying over for the past few weeks. He was normal at birth but at age one, experienced a terrible fever that left him more like a child with cerebral palsy. When i first met him he could not sit up on his own or control his arms or legs. His head was too heavy for him to hold up and his legs were contorted in strange ways. I met with his family again yesterday and asked if the prayers have helped. They said that he can now sit up on his own!! It's a miracle! I am sooo excited to know that his life has been impacted and that God is healing his body!
We also saw two nearly blind women have they"re eye sight restored! And someone with uneven legs was prayed for and our team members witnessed the shorter leg grow to match the longer leg! I'm serious! It's so awesome how powerful God is and how much our prayers matter!
This week we have seen at least two salv.ations and so many people taught about evang.elism and sprit.ual war.fare. It has been an amzing week so far and with only 3 more days of minist.ry, we are excited to see what will happen.

The boy in the middle is Nenang. He is from a mus.lim family but he likes us so much that he brings his friends when we do mini.stry and visits the families in his community while we pray for them and speak about Je.sus. He gave me a braclet and it was so sweet. I will really miss him.
This is another amazing buffet that Petrina's parents took us to on our day off. Best Tiramisu that I have ever had. Wow. Blessing.

This is a baby that we were able to pray over and bless. He was perfect.

This woman has a lot of grandkids..... :0)

God's creation masked by man's creation ....

Yea, that's an Iguana. He was so cool. haha

Garbage slum......

I don't want to say goodbye to my friends and family I have here in J-city but its coming to an end. We are wrapping up with a dinner in one of the slums and bringing pictures to our new friends. We will never forget our time here.
God is amazing. I am blessed. J-city is tranforming. The Kingdom is near.