Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What God is Showing Me

God has been really humbling me before Him and honestly it has been such a hard lesson to see how prideful I am. I let my pride get in the way of almost anything God wants to tell me. Sometimes when I get to worship on Monday mornings and I just don't feel like worshipping I have to look at myself and ask, if I really believe that God is the creator of the universe, and that He saved my soul, then why don't I stand in awe of Him all the time? If I REALLY truly believed this with all my heart AND understood it, then I would want to be worshiping all day long. This whole teaching time has been a time of understanding though and as I have been learning more and more about who God ACTUALLY is, and not leaning on my own understanding, I am seeing how great He is TO be praised. I am seeing how I have let myself place blocks in my relationship with Him. HUGE blocks. I have allowed sins like pride, unforgiveness, resentment, ungratefulness etc etc get in the way of God speaking to me and of God being loved by me. Now, I am not saying this because I am sitting here in a place of condemnation of myself because I have also learned that thoughts of condemnation come from Satan. The devil wants us to believe that we are a disappointment to God, that no matter how hard we try, it will never be enough. When these are ALL LIES!! It's amazing how many things we take in our minds as truth and start living out of that are actually lies that were created to drive us away from the father. If I see these areas of sin in my life and feel conviction of them, it is simply God letting me know that He desires for me to let them go so that He can work in and through me. This even encompasses working through grief. Earlier this week I was struggling because I had been hearing God very clearly and then all of a sudden I felt like my quiet time wasn't getting much clarity from God. I could feel Him there but I was upset because He was not speaking to me! (or so I thought) So i brought this up to a friend of mine who I consider wise and she said that in times or seasons of her life when God is quiet or not seeming to give her direction, it usually means that He has given her sufficient things to work on at that moment and that she should focus on those. It was so true! God had given me enough on my plate to mill over, think about, and work through that I didn't need more revelation at that moment, I just needed to know He was there for me as I walked through it in faith.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Here are a few Images I have taken since being in Perth!