Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time Flies......

Only 2 weeks left!!
I can't believe how fast 6 months has gone by. It's really crazy! And as hard as it has been, I have really fallen for the people in J-city and it will be so hard to leave. I have made such close friendships and have built relationships with amazing people in the communities we visit. I have seen God heal people, bring Mus.lims to know Him as their Lord and Sa.vior and countless lives impacted by the love He gives us for others. It will be something I always remember as a very special time in my life. It has been a challenge and a struggle but overall, completely fulfilling and incredible. God is good.
These are just a few photos I have taken this last week in the slums....

This week we said goodbye to our amazing coordinator Bene. We sent her off to go to law school in Holland. It was sad but we were happy to see her move into more of God's plans for her life. These are a few pictures from the party....

Me and Didi
The girls making Bene her encouragement poster!
This is a picture from the diner I went to on my day off.... It was supposed to be an American Diner so there were pictures of celebrities on the walls. And yes, this is Bill and Monica in the middle, right above Mcally Culkin and below OJ Simpson with he glove on hahahahahaha
OH, and on the other wall was a picture of Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson during "the Incident" hahahaha SO that's what they think of Americans....nice
This was right before we did a Indonesian tradition of egging and flouring our translator for his birthday......I dont understand it, but it was fun....

This was a Street Kids ministry we ran. We did a drama about the fruits of the spirit, worshipped, gave a message about Je-sus as our comforter, and did an altar call. All the kids accepted Je-sus it was awesome. We prayed over them and just spent time loving on them. It was a lot of fun.

This is Natalie with the Pear of Patience...clever eh??

This was during my message about how Je-sus comforts us....I showed them how much he loves to hug us ;0)
The Faithful Crew

J-city Traffic Baby.....oh yeah....we taxi it everyday.....gotta love almost dying more than once a day.....I sure do

This is just Goofyness.....I love riding my motey-cycle hahaa

This is Ibu Uti.....I think she's incredible. She has been through a lot and after the recent loss of her husband I know she enjoys the company. Its so rewarding spending time with someone who needs the friendship......

Well, I better get going to bed....It's been a long week, I have to be up early tomorrow to prepare for a Youth Service we are leading. I hope to see everyone at my ART show in Salem on the 26th of this month!! I'm only home for one week so make space!! I love you!

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